
Office Policies

Scheduling a Visit

Routine appointments should be made through our Boston and Braintree offices between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Please try to give 2 or more months’ notice for routine physical examinations. If there is a particular problem that needs evaluation, let us know in advance, so that an appropriate amount of time is allotted.

Please be patient. We try to run on schedule, but it is impossible to predict urgent interruptions and the number of sick children we must see on a given day, and we often run behind. If you call in advance, our office will let you know if there is a wait.

After Hours & Emergencies

Please refer to our After Hours page.

Health Forms

The quickest way to get your health forms is from Patient Gateway directly.

In order to meet the need to supply medical history and exam forms for various organizations, we developed a standardized form which we generate in our electronic medical record system. Generally, institutions will accept forms that have information current within one year.

Milton Pediatrics does not charge for health forms.

Please make copies or scan a copy into your computer if you feel you may need additional forms throughout the year.

If you are unable to use Patient Gateway, please request health forms at the front desk when you are here for an office visit, or press the number “6” when calling our office.


In order to provide flexibility for our families, we accept all commercial insurances and participate in many managed-care plans (most require co-payments at the time of a visit).

We prefer to bill for services directly to insurance companies and settle balances with families after insurance considerations are made. Our staff can help you with insurance questions or problems.

In rare situations, usually in the case of newer vaccines, a managed-care plan may not pay or only partially pay for a submission. In this situation we will bill you directly for the difference between the insurance allowment and our wholesale cost to purchase the medication.

Since insurance programs are in constant flux, insurance plan rosters of member physicians and hospitals are often inaccurate. Please check with us if you are considering changing insurance programs to find out of we participate in that plan. Chances are, we do.

Most patients choose one doctor from our group to be their “primary care doctor,” however, patients may see any physician from our group, regardless of their insurance plan. Your insurance plan, however, may require that you receive pre-approval from our office before seeing a specialist or obtaining emergency or other medical services outside of our offices. When in doubt, give us a call.

Billing for Complex Telephone Calls

At Milton Pediatrics we are committed to providing high-quality healthcare services to our patients. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance communication and accessibility, we offer telephone consultations for certain medical concerns. We believe that maintaining open lines of communication is crucial for the well-being of our patients.

While most routine telephone calls are included as part of our comprehensive pediatric care services, certain complex telephone calls may be subject to billing. Complex telephone calls are those that require extended time and in-depth medical discussion, involving clinical judgment, and necessitate the expertise of our physicians.

In instances where a telephone call is deemed complex, we may bill your insurance in a similar fashion to in-person or virtual visits.  Individual insurance plans may vary as to whether you may be responsible for associated co-pays or other charges.  

It is essential to understand that most telephone communication will not result in additional charges. Routine follow-ups, general inquiries, medication refills, advice from our nursing team, and appointment scheduling remain integral parts of our commitment to comprehensive pediatric care and are not subject to separate billing.

If you have any concerns regarding billing for complex telephone calls or if you require clarification about the services covered by your insurance, please contact our billing department. All insurance plans are different in the services that are covered. Our staff will be happy to assist you in understanding the billing process and addressing any questions you may have.


The American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a set of rules to be followed by health plans, providers, and hospitals to promote privacy and trust between patients and their health care providers. HIPAA took effect on April 14, 2003.

Milton Pediatrics is HIPAA-compliant.

For a summary of your rights under HIPAA, please click here to download a PDF from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office for Civil Rights.


Milton Pediatrics provides care to patients through adolescence and through the college years. We encourage our adolescents and young adults to take more responsibility for themselves and their health care as they get older. We encourage them to speak directly to us regarding their health concerns. We give them the opportunity to decide whether and when they would like to be alone or have a parent be with them in the exam room.

In some circumstances, there will be issues that patients wish to discuss that will be confidential in nature. It is our policy when dealing with young adult and adolescent patients to keep confidential any issues that our patients request of us, with the exception of issues that might be serious enough to be life threatening.

Due to the HIPPA regulations of 1996, patients who are older than 18 are considered adults and their privacy needs to be protected. In accordance with these regulations, the nurses will request to speak directly with patients that are over 18 to discuss issues regarding their medical care. Although some young adults (and parents) find this policy challenging at first, it is great preparation for when they are off on their own and need to manage their own health issues. Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday, and holidays:
Braintree only, by appointment


Call-hour daily from 7–9 a.m.
Nurses available to assist Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m.

340 Wood Road, Suite 301
Braintree, MA 02184
Fax: 781.356.6299

10 Hawthorne Place, Suite 110
Boston, MA 02114
Fax: 781.701.3298